Don Lemon - "An Imperfect Jesus." Really?!
This past Monday, CNN host, Don Lemon, no stranger to controversy these days, made a statement about Jesus Christ that has created a firestorm. While in a discussion with a fellow CNN host, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon said, "But here's the thing, Jesus Christ, if you believe - if that's what you believe in, Jesus Christ, admittedly, was not perfect when he was here on this Earth." ( This statement was made in the context of a conversation with Cuomo about the removal of statues. Mr. Lemon was making the case that Americans should stop deifying our Founding Fathers. "So why are we deifying the fathers of this country, many of whom owned slaves, and in the Constitution - the original one - they didn't want - they put slavery in there, that slavery should be abolished because it was the way the king wanted. ... "They're not perfect. We have to stop deifying them and saying, yes, they did some great things and they created a Constitution and, you know, a blueprint for us that wasn't perfect at the time, and that's good, but they weren't perfect either."
Friends, I have read many of the stories of those Founding Fathers. To be certain, they were not perfect. In fact, not one of them claimed to be perfect. As with each one of us, they had flaws. Yes, some had slaves. Yes, others were womanizers. Yes, still others had problems with anger. Yet, with God's help, they created the strongest and most powerful nation this planet has ever seen. It was a place where people were created equal and were endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It took many years and a long and bloody Civil War before some of those dreams of those Founders was established. But the dream persisted, nonetheless.
But, for Mr. Lemon to equate Jesus Christ with a George Washington or a Thomas Jefferson or a Benjamin Franklin was blasphemous at best. The Bible affirms that Jesus was a man in whom no sin was found. Peter wrote: "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth" (1 Peter 2:22). The writer to the Hebrews wrote, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). The foundation of our Christian faith is predicated upon the fact that Jesus was the Son of God and that He was free from sin. Jesus was perfect! The Jesus that Mr. Lemon describes is the good man who shared many moral values with us, but that is all that He was. His Jesus is certainly not the Savior and Messiah who took away the sin of the world through His death and resurrection. Mr. Lemon may have Thomas Jefferson right, but he most assuredly has Jesus Christ wrong.
Daymond Duck wrote an article that was posted on the Rapture Ready website. You can find it at: This article leads the reader on a journey through the past three decades on the impetus for the creation of a global nation. I will let you read through the fifteen events that have happened. But, I want to share with you the five most recent events that should give us cause for alarm. "One, on June 19, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced that it will hold its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 2021 and the theme will be the 'Great Reset.' The 'Great Reset' means changing every aspect of society by redistributing the world's wealth, enacting a global tax, supporting world government, and more. ... Two, on June 25, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, the UN Sec.-Gen Guterres, said, 'The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic 'national interests.'' (In my words, he was saying, 'The world needs groups of nations, not one person, with the power to set aside the desires of individual nations.') ... Three, on June 26, 2020, it was reported that Facebook will start blocking and removing everything that criticizes the globalist agenda. ... Four, on June 29, 2020, NYC Mayor de Blasio announced plans to cut $1 billion from NYC's police budget. Many local police departments won't submit to globalist control, so the globalists want all local police departments disarmed, dismantled or placed under the federal government to weaken the resistance to their global policies. ... Five, in my article that was posted last week, I reported that Atty. Gen. Barr said that some of the individuals and groups that have been involved in the violence in the U.S. may be supported by foreign entities."
Friends, I encourage you to read the article in its entirety. We are well down the road toward the creation of a one-world governance system. In fact, the target date is 2030 - just ten years from now. The worldwide attempt to eliminate police forces is part of that initiative. The growing pressure upon nations to adopt the strategy concerning climate change is also part of that initiative. The leverage the World Health Organization has had upon member nations regarding the COVID-19 virus has given us a glimpse as to what worldwide governance might look like. The elimination of all symbols that link us to a part history are being destroyed. It is important that these be destroyed so that there is no connection with the past that would influence the direction toward the future. The intense animosity and even hatred shown toward President Trump has its roots in the great interruption his administration has had in the movement toward the globalist agenda and 2030. Can you imagine what globalists are thinking when they envision another four years with President Trump in office?
Friends, we should not be overly alarmed. The Bible gives great clarity that as we approach the final days of this present age, there will arise a worldwide governance system. There will be a worldwide control of the economics. Yet, the Gospel will continue being proclaimed, although those who respond will suffer greatly for their decision to become followers of Jesus Christ.
Are we nearing the time when the trumpet will sound? Perhaps we are closer than what we think. As the words to a song we sang this past Sunday morning proclaimed, it is time that as Christians, we "arise and put the armor on." Let's take that bold stand for Jesus.
Friends, I have read many of the stories of those Founding Fathers. To be certain, they were not perfect. In fact, not one of them claimed to be perfect. As with each one of us, they had flaws. Yes, some had slaves. Yes, others were womanizers. Yes, still others had problems with anger. Yet, with God's help, they created the strongest and most powerful nation this planet has ever seen. It was a place where people were created equal and were endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It took many years and a long and bloody Civil War before some of those dreams of those Founders was established. But the dream persisted, nonetheless.
But, for Mr. Lemon to equate Jesus Christ with a George Washington or a Thomas Jefferson or a Benjamin Franklin was blasphemous at best. The Bible affirms that Jesus was a man in whom no sin was found. Peter wrote: "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth" (1 Peter 2:22). The writer to the Hebrews wrote, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). The foundation of our Christian faith is predicated upon the fact that Jesus was the Son of God and that He was free from sin. Jesus was perfect! The Jesus that Mr. Lemon describes is the good man who shared many moral values with us, but that is all that He was. His Jesus is certainly not the Savior and Messiah who took away the sin of the world through His death and resurrection. Mr. Lemon may have Thomas Jefferson right, but he most assuredly has Jesus Christ wrong.
Daymond Duck wrote an article that was posted on the Rapture Ready website. You can find it at: This article leads the reader on a journey through the past three decades on the impetus for the creation of a global nation. I will let you read through the fifteen events that have happened. But, I want to share with you the five most recent events that should give us cause for alarm. "One, on June 19, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced that it will hold its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 2021 and the theme will be the 'Great Reset.' The 'Great Reset' means changing every aspect of society by redistributing the world's wealth, enacting a global tax, supporting world government, and more. ... Two, on June 25, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, the UN Sec.-Gen Guterres, said, 'The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic 'national interests.'' (In my words, he was saying, 'The world needs groups of nations, not one person, with the power to set aside the desires of individual nations.') ... Three, on June 26, 2020, it was reported that Facebook will start blocking and removing everything that criticizes the globalist agenda. ... Four, on June 29, 2020, NYC Mayor de Blasio announced plans to cut $1 billion from NYC's police budget. Many local police departments won't submit to globalist control, so the globalists want all local police departments disarmed, dismantled or placed under the federal government to weaken the resistance to their global policies. ... Five, in my article that was posted last week, I reported that Atty. Gen. Barr said that some of the individuals and groups that have been involved in the violence in the U.S. may be supported by foreign entities."
Friends, I encourage you to read the article in its entirety. We are well down the road toward the creation of a one-world governance system. In fact, the target date is 2030 - just ten years from now. The worldwide attempt to eliminate police forces is part of that initiative. The growing pressure upon nations to adopt the strategy concerning climate change is also part of that initiative. The leverage the World Health Organization has had upon member nations regarding the COVID-19 virus has given us a glimpse as to what worldwide governance might look like. The elimination of all symbols that link us to a part history are being destroyed. It is important that these be destroyed so that there is no connection with the past that would influence the direction toward the future. The intense animosity and even hatred shown toward President Trump has its roots in the great interruption his administration has had in the movement toward the globalist agenda and 2030. Can you imagine what globalists are thinking when they envision another four years with President Trump in office?
Friends, we should not be overly alarmed. The Bible gives great clarity that as we approach the final days of this present age, there will arise a worldwide governance system. There will be a worldwide control of the economics. Yet, the Gospel will continue being proclaimed, although those who respond will suffer greatly for their decision to become followers of Jesus Christ.
Are we nearing the time when the trumpet will sound? Perhaps we are closer than what we think. As the words to a song we sang this past Sunday morning proclaimed, it is time that as Christians, we "arise and put the armor on." Let's take that bold stand for Jesus.
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