Cancel Culture - Its Impact; Can It Be Stopped?
I am greatly troubled by what I observe in the culture of today. The vitriol and hatred exhibited within our political climate is unrivaled since the days preceding the Civil War. As many of you know, I am a student of the Civil War, and the campaign of 1860 was as hate-filled as one could imagine. The editorial pages were filled with slanderous accusations. Reminds me of today's media representations. But, here is what is different. The slander, the viciousness, the hatred was limited to the editorial pages. The remainder of the newspapers' stories were as objective as could be, given that each reporter views the events of the day through the lens of his/her world view. Today, that balance is missing. One wonders if there are any truly objective reporters left in the world of journalism. Everyone wants to editorialize.
What we are witnessing has a name. It is "cancel culture." Yes, its purpose is clearly stated in its name - the elimination of Western culture as we have come to know it and as it has been defined for the past one thousand years. There have been attempts in the past to "cancel culture." The most recent attempt was the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 which introduced the world to a practice of Marxism. When practiced, the ancient customs and traditions of Russia were eliminated from culture. Churches were shuttered or turned into museums. Education became an instrument of the State. Business and commerce were dictated by the State. Private ownership of property was abandoned. Thinking "outside of the box" was outlawed. Everyone one and every thought had to conform to the "new culture." Such was the world that was the Soviet Union. Such continues to be the world of China and her satellites.
Could something like that happen here in America? Sadly, the answer is "yes, and it is occurring right now." Joseph Bottum wrote an inciteful article that was published last week. It was titled, "Teaching Our Students to 'Cancel.'" You can find it at: He writes: "Although a great deal of the phenomenon takes place - and gains its megaphone power - from social media, the real home of the culture is American academia: our colleges and universities. And that should make us all tremble because from there it filters down to the grade schools and high schools. And it leaks out into industry, business, and government, as the inculturated students move out into the workfroce. It's true that we are bringing up a generation of young people who do not believe in free speech, but that's just one side of the critique in which they are being trained. They think that they should not have to hear views they don't like and that those who hold such views should not be allowed to express them. But they also believe the next step: that those with bad opinions should be fired, even if they don't express those opinions. Cancel culture demands, first the non-expression of 'evil' ideas, and then the non-existence of those who hold 'evil' ideas."
What are we witnessing? It is Russia of the early 1900's. Everyone should think exactly as I think. If you do not, then you are evil and should be silenced at whatever the cost. There is no longer any room for any dialogue where differences of opinions can be shared and debated. Today the media is a reflection of what is taught on many of our college and university campuses. Because your views do not correspond to mine, then I am free to do whatever I can to destroy you and your ideas. You must be silenced because I am right. Sounds frightening, doesn't it? Democracy is predicated on the free-exchange of ideas. From the Acropolis in Anthens to the Forum in Rome ideas were pondered and debated. Colleges and universities were birthed to provide opportunity for students and scholars to continue that dialogue. But all that has changed. Dr. Bottum concludes his article with these words: "And those with that degree [he references a degree from Harvard, but it could be from any college or university] now believe - deep in their hearts, at the sat of their moral self-esteem - that people who hold wrong views should not be allowed to speak in public or even exist in public. And their culture is spreading."
What an opportunity for the Church to proclaim Truth! I believe that many desire to know God's Word and the hear what God has to say about our day and age. But, sadly, from articles I have read - even from formerly evangelical publications - the Church is either silencing or, at least, shaming those who dare to question the prevailing opinions being offered by the world. The truth being proclaimed is measured by the political-speak and cultural-acceptance of today. When asked, the response is: "We are just trying to make the Bible culturally relevant." To make God's truth conform to our culture is always a dangerous proposition. There is no conformity with God. Therefore, God's truth cannot be subject to conformity. It is absolute Truth. I believe it is imperative that, as followers of Jesus Christ, we become re-anchored in God's Truth. I believe it is the only hope we truly have to halt the advancement of "counter culture."
Just a reminder that Franklin Graham has challenged our nation to set aside a day of "fasting and prayer" this coming Sunday for the upcoming election. It is imperative that we cover that election with prayer.
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