A Decision and Its Unintended Consequences

The headlines continue to be that of the impact of the coronavirus upon our nation and our world.  As of yesterday, over 217,000 people have died around the world, with over 52,000 of those deaths occurring here in the United States.  We join with countless others who grieve for those who have lost family members and friends to this pandemic.  The separation that comes via death is always painful, yet it seems more painful during these days.  What a joy it is to know that because of the resurrection of Jesus, death has lost its sting; it has lost its victory (1 Corinthians 15:55).

We are now beginning to see some governors reopening their states to once again reignite the engines of commerce and the economy.  There is a measured caution in most instances, but also a reliance upon the common sense of the citizens of those states to do what is best to maintain both the physical health and the economic health of those states.  I applaud those governors for their courage and their commitment.

Many have criticized those `governors for reopening their states for business by claiming that it is reckless because it endangers lives.  What if the virus returns?  What if more people die?  Gary Bauer wrote a powerful op-ed that was published by The Patriot Post and titled "Life Isn't Safe."  You can read the entire article at www.patriotpost.us/opinion/70249-life-isnt-safe-2020-04-28.  Allow me to quote just a portion of that article: "Maybe it's time to remind ourselves that life is never safe.  It is never 'risk free.'  It has always involved risk.  Every decision in life involves risk, and responsible leaders must manage those risks to try to minimize their impact.  There is a risk, as we reopen the economy, that we will see an uptick in coronavirus cases.  But there's just as great a risk that if we stay closed many businesses, large and small, will be destroyed.  That risk grows with every passing day, as does the very real possibility of social unrest.  When people start going back to work, there will be a risk that we'll see a huge jump in traffic fatalities.  And those wrestling with depression, anxiety, and loneliness are at grave risk by being forced to stay in their homes deprived of human contact.  Life wasn't safe on September 10, 2001, the day before terrorists killed 3,000 Americans.  Life is full of risk and uncertainty.  But indefinitely shutting down the country is one risk we should not accept." 

Friends, we take risks every day.  I get behind the wheel of my SUV and I take a risk.  I step into an airplane and I take a risk.  I order a meal in a restaurant and I take a risk of ecoli or worse.  I order something online and I take a risk that my account will be hacked.  And the list goes on and on.  Jesus, in Luke 13 tells the story of some people who were walking along a sidewalk and a tower fell on them causing their deaths.  There are risks of taking a walk.  Friends, we cannot protect everyone from every risk.  We simply do our best to manage those risks and to live with the possibilities.

A second article that I refer you to was written by Lewis Morris and titled, "Bigger Government Is Always Here to Stay."  You can find this at www.patriotpost.us/articles/70242-bigger-government-is-always-there-to-stay-2020-04-28.  Let me quote just two paragraphs from this article: "What made the Great American Experiment work for a long time was keeping government in check with a well-written Constitution and a strong, self-sustaining private sector.  That strategy began falling by the wayside several decades ago, with government using every opportunity available to expand its reach.  The China Virus has inspired a bold effort to take big government to the next level.

"Whether you agree or disagree with the reasoning behind these expansions, the point to remember is that government never shrinks back to normal size when a crisis passes.  Whatever it was at the height of the crisis becomes the new 'normal.'  New rules established during the heat of battle don't go away, and those can have unforeseen consequences that always work in the government's favor and ultimately harm the country."

Friends, this is alarming, yet so very true!  I have read the story of how the government came to the rescue during the Great Depression and we continue to accept many of those programs yet today.  The reach of government can only be checked by a radical decision of the will of the people.  Morris concludes his article with these words: "No one political party is going to rein in big government.  And what should be media watchdogs are actually complicit in it, so don't expect much help there.  The public has to stand up and watch what's going on and support candidates who truly do believe in a government that should work in a smaller size."  Friends, I wish I could be optimistic and say this will happen - but history itself would declare just the opposite.

I want to reference a third article written by Dennis Prager, one of my favorite radio talk show hosts.  I will let you read this article which is posted at www.patriotpost.us/opinion/70243-our-dress-rehearsal-for-a-police-state-2020-04-28.  Mr. Prager echoes the concerns of my own heart as I have watched us so willingly surrender our Constitutional rights - not by legislative decrees but by the authority of a single person - a state governor.  Congress has not passed any legislation regarding economic shutdown, nor have any State legislatures, at least none that I am aware of.  What was initially to have been for 14 days has now become eight weeks, with many governors thinking it should be continued throughout the summer.  Prager writes: "The federal, state, county and city governments are now restricting almost every freedom except those of travel and speech.  Americans have been banned from going to work (and thereby earning a living), meeting in groups (both indoors and outdoors), meeting in their cars in church parking lots to pray and entering state-owned properties such as beaches and parks - among many other prohibitions." I strongly encourage you to link to this article. It will open your eyes to see what is happening.

Finally, I want to refer to a text from the life of Jesus.  It is found in Luke 14:28-33, "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower.  Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?  For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'  Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king.  Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand?  If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.  In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."

I believe Jesus is saying that before you make a decision, look at all the ramifications - the costs, if you will - of making that decision.  Friends, I have to be honest with you, I was very anxious about the ramifications of the haste for a shelter-in-place directive, yet I was willing to live with it for a brief duration.  But, I could see the dark clouds on the horizon.  Now, sadly, those clouds are bursting.  1). A glut of oil causing, at least momentarily, oil producers paying people to buy their oil.  Surprised!  Shouldn't be: with travel restricted, most airlines - the biggest users of oil products - virtually shutting down up to 90% of their flights, the demand for oil dropped like a rock.  Refineries closed because they had no outlets for their products.  2). State revenues have declined so that budgets are imperiled.  Surprised!  Shouldn't be: with most retail businesses closed and people sheltered at home, merchandize sales have plunged meaning that sales taxes have also plunged.  And, sadly, many of those closed businesses will never reopen their doors.  3). Shortages of some food supplies and promises of higher prices, especially for meats.  Surprised!  Shouldn't be: with schools and restaurants closed nationwide, the market for many food suppliers nearly dried up.  You have to remember that nearly 40% of food dollars in America are spent in restaurants.  As a result farmers are plowing their crops, euthanizing their pigs and chickens, and dumping milk.  4). There is a growing incidence of depression and suicide and addiction-related deaths.  Surprised!  Shouldn't be: Hospitals closed psychiatric wings to prepare for the influx of coronavirus patients.  Treatment centers closed so clients could not be managed on a daily basis.  5). Increase in diseases such as measles.  Surprised!  Shouldn't be: with a fear of going to the local clinic many families have not gotten their children vaccinated for those childhood diseases.  We may see a growing escalation of measles later this summer and into the fall. 

And here is the greatest consequence: the incredible debt that is piling up into numbers I cannot even begin to imagine.  Trillions of dollars.  According to Lewis Morris, in the article referenced above, "The federal government has spent over $3 trillion in the last few weeks to combat the pandemic, and more big spending bills are on the way.  To put that into perspective, federal spending in all of fiscal 2019 totaled $4.4 trillion."  Friends, the magnitude of this debt is staggering.  The government prints...we take.  This will be an incredible burden to my grandchildren and to my great-grandchildren and to their descendants for generations to come. 

What am I trying to say?  Simply that a decision was reached without much thought being given to the consequences of that decision.  The decision was initially reached through fear and panic.  But common sense and logic were dismissed from the room at that time. 

Yet, in spite of all this, I am encouraged to know that God is in control.  My hope, my confidence, my anchor in these uncertain times is found in Jesus Christ.  I trust that is true for you as well.


  1. Your comments were well thought out, succint and right on point Pastor Max. You stated the case without excessive emotion, a trait that I am working on daily. Our constitutional rights are being trampled on while governments are telling us that abortion clinics and pot and liquor stores are essential, while we are prohibited from gathering together for worship. I frequently use the term "Sheeple" for those who follow the norm set by officials, who gather more power during crisis situations, like lemmings into the sea!

    Since I am in what is considered the high risk population, pushing 70 with diabetes, I'm still intelligent enough to take proper precautions when I am in public and do not need the self appointed Emporer of Minnesota telling me I have to shutter myself indoors when life saving Vitamin D is available in our sun and salvation is available through His Son!

    I applaud your boldness and desire to tell it like it is! Keep on keeping on Pastor!

    In His Love,
    Tom Marszalek


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