
Showing posts from July, 2020

Time to Re-Engage with the Bible

At the Prophecy News Watch website, an interesting article was posted by Dr. Michael Brown. It was titled, "Here comes Polyamory, Progressives Push For End to Marriage Between Two People." "As reported in a New York Times article titled, "A Massachusetts City Decides to Recognize Polyamorous Relationships," "The city of Somerville has broadened the definition of domestic partnership to include relationships between three or more adults, expanding access to health care." Dr. Brown continues, "After all, if the winning mantras of the same-sex 'marriage' movement have been 'Love is love' and 'Love wins' and 'I have the right to marry the one I love,' why limit that number to two? Isn't that discriminating against love? Isn't that simply carrying over the outdated, outmoded, limiting ways of the past?" He then goes on to state: "Why limit the union to two people? Based on what? All the solid a...

Another Supreme Court Ruling with Profound Implications

On June 15, by a 6-3 majority, the Supreme Court ruled on the case of Bostock vs. Clayton County. The essence of this ruling redefined the word "sex' within Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include "gender identity" and "sexual orientation." In essence, this ruling did for workplace discrimination what Obergefell vs. Hodges did for marriage. That ruling, as you might remember, changed the definition of marriage from that of one man to one woman, which had been the historical and cultural definition down through the eons of human existence and based upon the biblical precedent in Genesis 2, to the union of two persons who love each other. Dr. James Dobson wrote, back in 2015, these words concerning that Supreme Court decision: "This Court decision is not about same-sex marriage, except only tangentially. Many gay and lesbian groups have admitted that marriage has never been their primary objective. Instead, it is about everything els...

Don Lemon - "An Imperfect Jesus." Really?!

This past Monday, CNN host, Don Lemon, no stranger to controversy these days, made a statement about Jesus Christ that has created a firestorm.  While in a discussion with a fellow CNN host, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon said, "But here's the thing, Jesus Christ, if you believe - if that's what you believe in, Jesus Christ, admittedly, was not perfect when he was here on this Earth."  ( ).  This statement was made in the context of a conversation with Cuomo about the removal of statues.  Mr. Lemon was making the case that Americans should stop deifying our Founding Fathers.  "So why are we deifying the fathers of this country, many of whom owned slaves, and in the Constitution - the original one - they didn't want - they put slavery in there, that slavery should be abolished because it was the way the king wanted. ... "They're not perfect.  We have to stop deifying th...

Where Is the Dialogue?

There is so much going on in our world right now that, at times, a person can almost feel like giving up.  The COVID-19 virus continues to spread with thousands of new cases being detected every day across America and the world.  Yet, the death rate from that disease continues to drop.  Some epidemiologists believe that the virus is weakening in strength.  That would be great news for all of us.  Others say that, with the reopening of society, that we are developing that "herd immunity" which is common with all viruses.  But, we know that this virus is going to continue to impact our culture and lives for the next foreseeable future.  Questions are raised concerning schools reopening this fall.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has gone on record as saying that schools need to open this fall.  Yesterday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos also re-echoed that thought as she and the President met with a round-table discussion group.  Yet...